Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cherrybrook Circuit 31ks

H4 and 2ks of bush this morning. The area had rain before we started but nothing during the run. The map said 31.9ks but it turned out as 31ks somehow without running short.

Started at Cherrybrook and ran south to West Pennant Hills(go figure?), then through Cumberland State Forest which is not bush. Then back through Cherrybrook passing just near the start and into the bush and across the valley to Pennant Hills. Then up north to westleigh and then across to Thornleigh and Normanhurst before going back to the start at Cherrybrook.

Hard running in the hills this morning. Very humid. About 8 degrees and 90% humidity this morning, with some fog thrown in.

Total was 31ks in 2:36:50. Average pace of 5:03/k. A good hard run for C2S and Sydney Marathon training.

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