Thursday, October 23, 2008

Coldest October day in 30 years

Ok that was actually yesterday when it snowed in the Blue Mountains and the Southern Highlands. Today wasn't that much better. Certainly was chilly going for a run tonight. But as per usual I wore shorts and a singlet. Cool!

Didn't have much time for a run as well as not being able to breathe out of my lungs either, so it was a short run up to Fox Studios and back.

Total was 7ks in 34:32. Average pace of it sucks. Who cares?

1 comment:

Ewen said...

We had apparent temps of 3-4C the last two days. Shouldn't have put away the parka.

I'd do the NSW 3000 if I was in form to run 11:30 and hang with the tail-enders. Maybe next year.