Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mini-Mosmarathon 2009

Arrived a bit too early as they were still setting up the finishing gates. Hung around waiting and chatted to a mate from my Surf Club who was there to watch his girlfriend run. Also saw Action and Sub50 before the race as well.

The race was a farce. I started off running like it was early 2008 for the 1st 2ks doing 7:35. My body then realised it is mid 2009 and consequently slowed me up enough to be passed by half the field. Well almost.
The last 2ks on this course are always hard and seemed worse this year. Must be the fat.

Finished in 41:44. Thank god that was over. Didn't hang around for the presentations. Talked a bit to Blue Dog before I left and he stayed to collect his age group and team booty.

I could say it is my 2nd best time at this race, but it was 3 and half mins slower than 2 years ago.

1 comment:

Ewen said...

All that speedwork you've been doing tricked your 2009 body.

I think that rates as marginally better than my 6k that was 6 minutes slower than 19 years ago.