Monday, November 14, 2005

Bike 11ks

I see on the IAAF website that they are having Melbourne as a stop on their world athletics circuit. Not sure if that will conflict with the Comm games or not.

Gym again. Set the bike up for Random Hill for 22 minutes including a 2 minute cool down.
Managed to get through 10.87ks in the time. Average heart rate of 137 with a top of 172.

Left the waterbottle at work so had to buy one from the gym. Don't you hate buying overpriced water. Idiot.

I'm looking at seeing the Sports Doctor at the end of the month to see if he thinks I should run again. No pain when I run but the stress fractures are sore to touch. What do you do?


Gronk said...

Yep hate buying water too SF.

Top heart rate of 172 ? Gee you were motoring mate !

Clairie said...

No pain to run but painful to touch? Ouch sounds like I wouldn't be running just yet mate.

Hope they clear up pretty soon, how long have you rested them?

Don't they have water coolers at your gym? Damn cheapskates!!!
I always hate buying water when it is so ridiculously priced.
Cinemas, gyms etc. All the places you really need it instead of the cheaper crap drinks.

Superflake said...

Clairie it is for while I'm riding that I need it. They have water. I left the water bottle in the fridge at work. Who knows when they decide to clear up?

Horrie said...

I'd be going by what the Doc says mate. Sore to touch does not sound too flash. Can't have you coming back too soon to put me to shame. Can we? ;-)