Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Run 25Mins

The program today was Run 25 Minutes.
Set out at 6:30pm and ran into Centennial Park. Temp was 25 degrees with 78% humidity and windy with the North East seabreeze blowing.
No wonder I felt like I was running in a swimming pool.

Got through 4.81ks in the 25 minutes. Legs felt ok but pretty slow after a heavy night on the grog. Probably ran past Vat_Man and Mohammad doing 400's with Sean Williams but they were on the other side of the oval.

1 comment:

Horrie said...

Sounds like the program is going well Flake and you will be back beating me again in no time. I will savour those 2 victories over you when you were injured because they will probably be the only times I beat you.