Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Timbrell Park Reps 10x500m

Down to Timbrell Park to run these reps in the fading light and the southerly coming in with the wind and rain starting as I finished.

Ran around the park using Action's markers to do the reps. Did ten 500m reps.
Ran 1:42, 1:39, 1:40, 1:44, 1:42, 1:44, 1:40, 1:46, 1:43, 1:45.
All done with a 60 second walk recovery.

I'll probably try some 200m reps on the grass in Centennial Park in the spikes tomorrow night. Have to try the spikes before I race in them on Saturday night.


Ewen said...

Don't do too many or you'll have sore calves before the race. Maybe only 5 or 6 with full recovery. Take your normal shoes with you too.

Horrie said...

Make sure you add some easy days in there as well. We don't want you spent before Saturday's race.

miners said...

oh shoot - back to 500m reps? I'm not keeping up too well. I'll try and get back on schedule next week :)

best of luck on the weekend too mate!