Sunday, January 08, 2006

2k Roughwater Swim North Bondi

The forecast showers this morning did not eventuate so it was on with the suntan cream on face and shoulders for this swim.
Apparently there was to be about 600 starters. Did not look like it to me. They started us off in wave starts of each age group with a 3 minute gap in between.

The swim starts at Nth Bondi right next to the rocks and uses fully the rip as you go straight on it about 350m to the first buoy. Losing my goggles in the way. I'm sure they are near the rocks somewhere. Made for a fast start as the tide was dead low and I was able to run quick across the sand bank.
After that it was a big 2m swell as we rode the waves down to a buoy about half way and then out to a buoy off Ben Buckler fighting bluebottles on the way. We then turned towards the Icebergs club fighting the cross swell and then turned back North to swim the last 600m back into the swell which was great fun.
We then turned for the beach and I was able to catch a wave in.
Time was nothing to write home about as I really need practice. Safe to say that I didn't trouble the scorers.
A good morning swim the water was fantastic and the money goes to the surf club so I'm happy.

Edit: Apparently there were 30 people pulled from the water on Sunday at Bondi due to bad rips. They should have been out the back where I was swimming. They don't call it the Roughwater swim for fun.


Jen said...

I was right; I would have drowned today. Glad to hear that you didn't though ;-)

Clairie said...

600 starters!! Man my fear of drowning would be at fever pitch if I even attempted that.

Glad to hear you were happy with the swim overall.

I'm guessing by the time I catch up with you in Canberra you will have gills not lungs....